Thursday, December 30, 2010

Another Update from my friends in Haiti!

Keeping them in Prayer!

Haiti - Update #9

Wednesday evening, 12/29/10, 8pm

Hello, Friends & Family of the Haiti Interns...

I just got off the phone with Greta... her call came in two installments tonight, because Noelle Gonzales called as we were first talking, and I assume there was stuff to talk about regarding the Frontier Camp trip next week, which Noelle is part of. Noelle has been to Haiti several times, too, and will return with the group on Jan. 5th but will stay down there all semester, I believe. After Noelle's call, the guys were organizing things in their "house" (in the common room, used as a tool-shed/garage, etc...) so she called back after helping some with that.

The Valcins have been at camp since Sunday night. When the Valcins are at camp, they have a special person who comes to cook for everyone (Alicia.) Tonight they had GOAT lasagna... Greta said it was pretty tasty but the butchering of the goat was very different than anything she's seen in her animal science classes at TAMU! Haha!! (I'll let them tell you about it later.)

Two cabins are completely done, regarding the bunk beds, etc. There are still a couple of cabins on the hill that need flooring put down first, before they can assemble the beds inside. The Haitian workers are doing the flooring, but the team has done all the side-boards, etc. so that they can assemble them quickly inside the cabins, once the flooring is completed. Since they were at a holding-point because of the floors in the cabins on the hill, the Valcins took them to the beach for a rest-day with their daughters home for the Christmas break. Greta said it was very nice, relaxing, and fun.

The Valcins leave for PAP tomorrow, to be "home" for the New Years celebrations there. Their daughters go to school in the US, so will leave in early January to come back to TX. Once the FC team arrives on Jan. 5th, Betty & Gersan will accompany them to Jacob's Well. Everyone is looking forward to the camp that will occur that week!! If any of you received the Frontier Camp newsletter that came out today, there is an article about Haiti and a picture of two Haitian girls that were displaced after the earthquake but are now living up in the area of JW and plan to attend camp next week!! God is ALWAYS at work in EVERYthing. How wonderful when we can be a part of it!!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Some Friends!

Just incase you wanted to know I have a few friends who left for Haiti on the 15th! This was a little insert they had before they left!! If you guys could pray for them it would be much appreciated!!

Second, THANK YOU SO MUCH to everyone who has been praying already for our trip. God is good, and it looks like we will be able to make the trip as planned. If you had not hear, there has been a lot of political unrest, especially in the capital (Port Au Prince) and in Cap Haitian, due to the recent elections and the corrupt government. For the past few weeks, we have not been completely sure whether or not we would be able to go tomorrow, but after talking to Gersan and Betty today, it looks like "Operation Bunk Beds" is a go. (Jack's words). So, thank you to everyone who has been praying for us as we've been waiting and trying to make this decision.

Here are some prayer requests for now....
1- We are meeting at the Monson's house tonight to finish packing. Pray that that goes well and everything fits and weighs the correct amounts.
2- We fly out at 6AM in the morning- pray for safe flights and arrival in PAP tomorrow afternoon.
3- Please pray for safety for the entire trip- safety amist the political unrest, cholera epidemic, and just being in Haiti in general and doing construction.
4- Pray that the Lord would use us to serve the Haitians well and that we would be able to share the Love of Christ with them, both in the way we act as well as in what we say (however broken our Creole is) :)

Thank you guys so much! Expect to hear updates through this group every few days or so. If you are not getting updates and would like to, let Karin Monson know, and she will make sure you get them.

Have a great day, and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!

- Daniel, Jack, & Greta

Monday, December 6, 2010

This was my Thank you letter!

Sorry this is a little long, but I thought I would post this.. sorry if I forgot to send you one!

November 3, 2010

Dear loved Ones,
Whether you have supported me financially, emotionally, letter writing, praying for me or all of the above I thank you from the bottom of my heart that you guys would sacrifice for me.
It was a crazy forty-four days that I got to spend in Haiti but if God told me to do it all over again I would without hesitation, say yes! It was an amazing experience and God has opened my eyes in so many ways and I am so thankful that I had the many doors open in order for me to do this. To sum my trip up is a little hard; I have struggled with what to say and what people actually want to hear. So I am just going to start and if you would like to hear more I still have my blog up and will post the website, my email address and a number if you guys would want to call and get together.
From the first day of my trip, God taught me contentment, flexibility and patience. We had to stay the night in Detroit due to an airline mistake, which then led to us missing our flight to get to Haiti from Florida but I can honestly say that the hassle was worth it. There are some things that you cannot change and ya know ya just gotta let it go. I decided to try to make best of the predicament that we were in. While were going thru all of this I got to know Hal and Chris better, got to understand how the orphanage was founded and what they had to do to get there and I also got two meet two special little boys, Richie and Christopher. They were in the states on Medical visas and were having some things done way before the earthquake even took place. Richie was four and had a leg amputated due to cancer and Christopher was about a year and was hydrocephalic and was getting a shunt put in. To be honest, there were some kids that I came into contact with and just had to sit back and ask God why... Why the pain for this little one and not that one? Why the suffering for one so small? Christopher was one of them, if he were living in the states he wouldn’t have had to go back to a tent to live, he would have had the medical care that maybe could have helped more then what he was getting at home, to me humanly he would have just been safe. God knows what he is doing though. When we were staying the night at the hotel in Florida we were able to take the boys swimming. It was fun to see Chris take Christopher swimming. That may have been his first and last time doing that but the joy in his eyes of just calmness and fulfillment touched me. God is still God and God is still good. This trip was really going to be life changing.
There were some things I was ready for and thought I prepared my heart for and then there were some things that I did not even think of. I never imagined seeing families torn apart. You can call me naïve I admit it but again something I just didn’t really imagine I would be seeing. I got the privilege of meeting seven children who came into the orphanage, one of those seven I now sponsor. The family of four however was probably the hardest to see. Their parents still want them, they still crave to hold their children but they just can’t support them the way that they should. Can you imagine giving your kids away all four of them at the same time because you can no longer support them anymore and there is no family to really help you out either? Craziness...
Beyond the emotional trials I had there were also the physical trials as well. Getting use to showering outside, electricity going in out the dirtiness everywhere, having to throw the toilet paper away rather than flushing it, using a water bottle to brush your teeth rather than being able to use the water because it would make you sick. Those things however became routine day in and day out and really by the third week was so use to it I never really thought about it at all. However the infections are what hurt the most. I had gotten three while I was there one in my finger, one in my arm and the last one was on my foot. I thank God for the healing that he gave me I did have to get shots in which were hard for me because I do not like needles whatsoever. But God healed in his time and was there every step of the way.
There were also so many joys while I was there that it is hard to sum up all the events that happened. One thing however was taking the kids swimming. There was a ten year old and a six year old that have never been swimming before and I got to witness firsthand the joy on their faces when we first took them. The face was priceless… They were so joyous and grateful that they were able to go, what seems small to us as Americans is huge for them. For us we get to go as infants, early in life our parents try to teach us and help us along the way as we are just starting out, we have classes filled so we can learn the right way with floaties and water toys that overflow the pool sometimes. I am not saying all of this to make anyone feel guilty so if I am, I am sorry for that. I am just simply making the observation of how different it is for them. To be ten years old and never being able to go swimming was just different for me to hear, I remember being little and having my dad having me just jump in to try to teach me… he was there to catch me of course but still I got to try early. There were even fourteen and fifteen year olds clinging to us because they couldn’t swim, it’s one thing that I know I surely wouldn’t have thought twice about without going on this trip just a small blessing I realized while I was there.
The question that seems to come up a lot when I am talking to people is “okay, what exactly did you do?” well for the first week I was there I was pretty much a floater. One day I went grocery shopping with them in which total they filled eight carts full of food. For two weeks I was a nanny, one of the nannies had “vacation” time. I quote vacation because really theirs are different. They do not really go anywhere or see anything so it’s not like our vacations sometimes. While she was gone I got the joys and frustrations of helping out with the toddlers there were about thirteen of them and three of them had mental disabilities. Those three girls opened my eyes more than I thought they would. They all had the mind mentalities of two to three year olds yet they were 12, 9 and 8. Two could feed themselves and the nine year old we were trying to teach how to potty train. They lay heavy on my heart when I saw how the nannies treated them. Haitian’s in a way look down on those who are disabled and really do not show much attention to them. It was hard for me because I wanted to love them and bring them home. I wanted to show them how different life could be for them and just spend time with them. One girl particularly stole my heart. We had worked on affection the whole six in a half weeks that I was there. We went from hand holding to hugging and by the end of my trip she was playing with my hair and wanting to touch my face. For someone who cannot speak and struggles to be with someone to even let them touch her and for her to touch back is huge improvement... If this whole trip was only to spend time with this little girl and nothing else I would gladly say…thank you God for giving me this opportunity. For letting me see her, for letting me love her like you love all your children. After those two weeks, I was moving on to my fourth and fifth week; I was a teacher to the English speaking students. The curriculum is behind but I was still able to help with spelling and math. Some were advanced and craved to learn more while others struggled a bit but nonetheless it was a fun experience. We also watched the Ken Ham videos about creation and how it all evolved. I will say it was a little hard. I had to teach these kids words like Abortion and Homosexuality, They had no idea what it meant and on one of the videos both words popped up and for the longest time they just couldn’t understand why anyone would want to do that to their babies or why any man would want to marry another man. It was hard to explain just as it was hard for them to understand. But it all came down to sin and the selfishness of man. It was a humorous moment when two of the kiddos that were being adopted asked if it was in their state and how big it was in their state... I had to sadly say yes… One was going to California and the other to New York... They were not too happy about that. My last week in a half I was on what I like to call “Baby duty”, it was around the same time that I got the infection on my foot as well. I really wasn’t going anywhere so I stayed at the orphanage and helped Chris with a three month old. Around the same time, I was also helping set the new girl’s home in which they call H.I.S ER. It is a home for twenty-five girls who were in the tent cities and they are able to go through a program to be able to learn trade skills as far as hair styling cooking and clothes making. With these twenty-five, five of them are also pregnant they range from fourteen to sixteen years old... Hard to imagine being that young and pregnant, but being that young, pregnant and your baby having to go to an orphanage is a whole other story. They do not get to choose whether or not they can keep their children because Haiti doesn’t give them a choice and they cannot take care of themselves let alone a little one as well. Just one more thing to keep in mind and add to your prayers as well.
I will say it was hard to start this letter but now it seems harder to end. This trip was huge for me and God opened my eyes in so many ways. I have never experienced suffering in this matter but again this trip was worth it. Still adjusting to American life, I did end up taking this quarter off but am praying greatly for God’s future plans for me. Still trying to find that balance of what I learned on my trip and applying that into my life here at home.
Thank you again for supporting me, for praying for me...
God is still God and God is still good…
Teresa Crawfis

Saturday, November 6, 2010

An update from the orphange...

Haiti is still in need of our prayers.. As of right now there is no damage to the three homes and every one is safe.. However those in tents and living on the streets are still in need of our prayers it's been rough for them!... This was an update from Chris the other day...

HI Everyone! It has been a long time since I have updated things, but everything here has been on fast-forward since we returned in Aug. Just so you have a way to understand, as close as I can remember, we have had 1 day without visitors staying in Haiti with us since March 1st (except while we were in the states). We love the company, and the energy and supplies everyone brings, but also limits our available time to communicate.

We currently have 87 kids, and lots of them are kids with special needs. Have had lots of kids with colds and resp. infections, but that is improving. I had 2 babies in the hosp. for 12 days, but they are home now. Have also had Loubencia in the hosp. for around a month. She is in stage 4 aids, and in critical condition now. We are spending a lot of time back and forth to the hosp. Have a full-time nanny staying with her, but it has been very hard to both care for her at home prior to hospitalization (a month of her sleeping in our living room with IV's, and being very sick)), as well as sitting with her in the hosp. knowing that at this time prayer is the only thing we can offer her...Obviously the most imoportant thing, but still leaving us feeling drained. Also have a beautiful healthy baby boy sharing our lives, Baby James will be 1 month old tomorrow nd has been with us since he was 1 week. (Yes, that means I do not get much sleep...)

The new house (HIS ER) is doing well. Have 9 girls in the program, plus 2 adoptive girls living in the new house. Still expecting about 16 more girls, but have appreciated getting them gradually, so we could get to know everyone, evaluate their special emotional needs, and help them settle in. Everyone has completed medical exams, dental check-ups, labs, TB testing, and psych evals. This past week we have been blessed with a psych team from Canada who have spent a lot of time with the girls, and have advised us on things that we can do to help ease the transition. The girls are in Haitian school, and we are getting the vocational training established now. Lots of fun and exciting plans in store for the girls, and we appreciate the assistance of WAR (Women at Risk), an international organization working in 23 countries now helping us with some of the funding issues. Also receiving support from Mission of Tears in Canada.

With the cholera issues, we had a medical team here last Wed. from Haiti Baptist Mission Hosp. checking on the kids. The 2 doctors and 5 nurses examined all of the little babies, and will return tomorrow to follow up on them, and start on the toddlers. What a blessing! They brought their own pharmacy, and supplied lots of vitamins, pedialyte, etc. as well as meds for those with ear infections, coughs, etc. The dentist has also completed exams and treatments for all of the kids age 4 and older. We are stocked with supplies to treat the kids if they get cholera, but are limiting biofamily visits to try to prevent cholera from being brought into the home. Still have staff living in tents and coming to work, but encouraging handwashing, using hand sanitizer, etc.

With so many new kids, and many with specialized medical needs, we have had a huge emphasis on medical stuff since Aug. 3 of our new little ones were brought by IBESR/UNICEF. This is the first that I know of that UNICEF has brought abandoned babies to creches for adoption. Niko is 4 months and he has a crossed eye but is otherwise healthy. Kalandi is a beautiful little 3 year old girl who was in a coma when she was brought to Medicine Sans Frontiers (Doctors without borders). After a long hospitalization, they released her to us, with severe malnutrition, just learning to eat after having been tube fed. She was just starting to walk when she came a few weeks ago, but is all over now. Now she is loving her food! YEA! She is also deaf/mute, so we will be learning sign language. She has some cerebral palsy, but has good potential of overcoming many of her disabilities. Jackson is 1 year, and was abandoned in the hosp. with severe malnutrition and resp. distress. He als o has CP, and gets breathing tx. 3 times daily. As I said, Marlene and I spend a lot of our time distributing meds, and skin creams for new kids who came with scabies, ring worm, etc.

Related to Tomos, we have stocked food and have the house ready with the balcony cleared, laundry inside, and everything prepared that we can do ahead. Now we will focus on keeping enough staff to care for the kids. As the staff deal with their personal family issues related to living in tents, we know that it will affect staff availability, so am praying for mercy!

On the fun side of things, the kids have loved riding the new bikes, scooters, wagons, tricycles, etc! They have also enjoyed the new TV's which came in the container. Over the weekend the older kids went to an overnight retreat at the church, and the youth group program is growing.

Congrats to everyone who have completed adoptions!!! Hal and I were hoping to get back already to complete our adoption, but it sounds like it might be Jan. before we can get a court hearing date. We are scheduled to be in the US from Dec. 18-Jan. 9th. Am missing Berline, Michael, and Felineta, so looking forward to our first American Christmas together!!! What that measns is that Junior will be in charge when Marie Mika (one of our new girls from the tents) has her baby. She is due Dec. 30th. What an adventure for him!!! I told him that he can take the baby home to his mother until I get back... He didn't buy that!!!

Blesisngs to all and will stay in touch over the next few days as communications allows. Chris

Monday, October 18, 2010

A little over a Month!

It is crazy to think that I have been in the states for little over a month now since my adventure to Haiti!

There of course have been some adjustments.. trying to get back into the swing of things! I am not going to school this quarter and actually if I do go back I have decided to switch my major completley to work with kids who have mental disabilities, whether that be special education or any other thing that God may put in front of me.. I am excited but nervous at the same time!

Some things I have had to get use to is the emotional side of things, My first shower in a building was weird to me, I have been showering outside for the past 44 days and being able to look uo at the sky and then now to have a building surrounding me and not having to wonder if the bucket was going to run out of water while I was in it was a little weird! I had to get use to paved roads and going into a building and not having to worry if the electricity was going to go out. I never really thought about going into reverse culture shock, I have known America for 23 years, I didn't think I would have to get use to it again!

Physically, I have had to get use to air conditioning and weather changing.. My baody I think sometimes is still going into shocks at times because it doesn't know how to feel! My ffot is pretty much healed the scap is stil there but the sweeling is gone and the peeling on my foot has stopped.. I thnka God for the healing!

One thing that I have always prayed since I have been back is just that I don't forget what I have learned praying that God is still showing me even back into "life" as I know it here!

Still working on Thank you letters, has been a bit hard getting that written not really knowing how to summarize 6 1/2 weeks into a letter and not really knowing what people want to hear slowly but surely it is coming togther though!

Thank you again for eveyone who supported me!
Still missing those kids everyday
In Christ...

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

My last day!

Tomorrow is the big day.. I venture home!
Crazy!!! I feel like I should still be packing to come here and checking lists to make sure I have everything. I feel like I should be trying to get use to things here and different schedules! It is crazy for me to think that I am going home tomorrow!

My foot is healed, there is still a bump but no more pain and have been able to walk on it this week and a couple days last week! That is a blessing!

These past few days I have been on baby duty, it was fun to just be able to relax with her.. She is about 4 months old pretty content with things!

We have been getting the new girls home ready, we did find out yesterday that there will be 5 girls who are pregnant.. Ages 14-16, whether raped or on their own they have a little one inside them. Here in Haiti the mother doesn't have rights if they are a minor and since they are under IBESR the baby is considered under IBESR as well.. Once they have these little ones they will be going to the nursery here where Hal and Chris stay. Hard to imagine that you can't decide on whether or not you want to keep your child or not. Hard to imagine having to give them up. Praying for these girls, in the states we have so many resources as far as helping to keep our kids or counseling to figure what we be the best decision for both parties and here you have no say..

Pretty mellow day today.. Have been praying a lot has far as going home and trying to get back into the swing of things. Praying as I leave these kids..

Still loving the fact that God has amazing control!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Just felt like I needed to write!!!

Isaiah 41:10- 10 So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand....

I had an urgency to write today.. Felt like I should update you guys on some things that God has been showing me and what I am thankful for!


God's amazing creation.. I know I have said this before but to see so much destruction and corruption Haiti is still a beautiful place. The skies seems gorgeous here a little more blue! The sunsets have been amazing.. I have seen the sunrise on Occassion but don't want to make a habit of that ;)

God's peace: Through the struggles, sleepless nights and bickering between the kids.. there are some times I feel I should be in pain. Not just from my foot which I will talk about later but in my heart. I feel like I should be constantly tired or even depressed. Don't get me wrong I have my moments here of homesickness and wanting to fix things for these kids. But all in all God just lifts my pain for me a little so I can enjoy my time with Mahanata, or makes it so I am not tired so I can try to enjoy my day and time with the other kids!

I love how even the little one here are praising HIS name and giving Him thanks!

Thank you God for making the Man who invented:
PVC Pipe.. So I can take a shower after a sweaty day
Bug Spray
Anti-itch when I get bitten from missing a spot with the bug spray
American Hospitals: So many time I here on the news how people do not like the current situation they are in in which to a degree I agree it;s a hard battle of money and time that everyone has to go thru.. but we are so amazingly blessed with what we have. Some of the buildings her are condemmened yet they still do their lab work and have beds for people.. They are falling apart and even have emergency tents outside to help people to have a place for people to come... An American would not step foot in the hospitals here.. yet for them this is all they have
Jobs- whether it be 9-5 or a stay at home home.. Minimum wage here is $4 a day U.S, It is crazy how many people come to the gate and ask for a job because they are in need of anything to be able to provide for their families... Yet in American there are people who feel they are to good enough to go out and work.. They want more, more and more yet do not realized how blessed they are with what they already have. The verse in Hebrews always come to mind when I think about this... 5Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you"
It is a hard battle in America, and I really am tryin to not become critical which I feel I have been pretty good so far.. This is just one thing that sparked my attention since I have been here.. Nannies here work 12 hour shifts some go back home to their tents then turn around and do it again the next day! Just something I want to keep in mind next time I want to complain about my job and I challenge you to do the same...

My teaching is now done: This week is a pretty free week, Can you believe I only have 8 more days left!
Still praying about my foot.. I have to do three doeses of pills instead of two now and still getting the two shots a day trying to prevent staph infection!

Calling all moms: Whether you are homescooling or public schooling your kids... The curriculum here is a little behind. If you have unwanted books or charts even if they are slightly used they could use all the help they can get.. so something to keep in mind next time you are going through things if you can!!

Loving God's Control and Peace

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 16 bejoyful always; 17pray continually; 18give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.

Monday, September 6, 2010


Hello fellow readers:

Well I am not one to have many prayer requests for myself.. yeah still working on that pride issue

However I have a situation going on in my foot that I have been praying about to get better..

I had this bug bite and my shoe seemed to rub it off which with all the dirt and stuff here it has now become infected. I have gotten two shots for and am taking medicine to help fight Staph. Praying it does not spread!!

Just praying for my spirits as well.. Not really wanting to my last 8 days up in the room when I could be having fun with the girls!

Thank you for your prayers and support thru all of this! Will write agin about whats been going on later!!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

About Two weeks left!!!

Whoa Time seems to go by fast here.. I feel like it wasn’t to long ago I was packing and making lists on stuff to get ready to come. Now I am thinking of packing and stuff I am doing here before I leave! Well not so much the packing part (Yeah I am still a procrastinator)

This past week in a half I have been teaching at the boys home.. It’s the Kids from the orphanage who can’t afford to go to the Haitian schools. So Hal and Chris set up a makeshift school. Two teachers come every day and since one of them is sick I am filling in for him. I have been teaching the English speaking students. We have actually been going over the creation in the mornings and watching the Ken ham DVD’s it’s pretty cool to see them sponge up new information!

Friday: We(The team that is here and I) had a dance party for the kids.. It was fun watching them dance and sing along to the songs... They know a lot more then you would think... Yup even some of the boys can do an amazing moon walk.. They all say they taught themselves when you get bored and you have nothing else to do ya just figure things out.

Saturday: The team of 6 left for Ireland... Yeah I was a little Jealous they are in the cold and not sweating so much but thankful. That I was able to meet them!
Saturday afternoon was kind of an emotional time.. The biological parents come every last Saturday of the month and I just happen to be here... There were some that came in that wanted to see pictures of their kids in the states and others who wanted to know why their kids have not been adopted yet.. The hard part for me was watching the interaction between one particular family. Since I have been here we have had five new kids come into the orphanage and one was a family of four. They got to see their parents for the first time in three weeks… The oldest one who understands more of what going on went up to her parents gave them hugs and let the others come and do the same.. However the second to oldest wanted nothing to do with her, she ran to me instead which when I saw the mothers face and read her eyes my heart hurt for her… her own daughter seemed to want nothing to do with her anymore. OIEE I had to actually leave because that was the only way I thought I would get her to go to her mom. I couldn’t imagine the pain her mom felt that you want nothing to do with me, yet I have nothing I can give as far as bringing you home and keeping you with me. Then the leaving part came.. The second to youngest soon caught on to what was happening and lost it.. he cried, cried and cried.. He wanted his mom and dad yet again they couldn’t do anything for him. I couldn’t say anything to make him feel better, he can’t understand English anyways so that wouldn’t of helped even if I started talking… all I could do was just simply pray for the family. I can’t imagine watching both my parents walk out on me. But yet I can’t imagine being a parent and having to leave 4 of my children because I can’t take care of them anymore. It was just a hard battle.. I love knowing that in the end of all of this God is still in control.

Sunday: Church in the morning and then pretty much a hang out day! It’s always fun watching them play with each other although there is a lot of bickering that seems to be going on lately (or pretty much all the time I just notice it more I guess) I pray for these older girls some of them cannot be adopted anymore because they have aged out and some have nowhere to go. I pray they want to be different and still hold onto what they have been taught here at the Orphanage

A funny note: So Monday school started again and when I walk I usually have my head down looking at the dirt and rocks around me.. I am surrounded by the non-English speaking students and they get so excited that they can say my name so they are usually around me every morning.. However I am walking not paying attention and all of the sudden I hear “Teresa Woof Woof” “Teresa Woof Woof” I look over at one of the girls around me wondering what is going on then she points.. yeah I almost ran into a dog on the street they just didn’t know the word for god yet.. hey they have Woof Woof down they are making progress!!

Prayer Requests: Praying for my health.. Today I went to school for an hour but had to come back.. I have a head cold going on that is now putting pressure on my ears. Just praying for healing and that I can get over this quickly.. And praying for Haiti.. Hurricane Earl is suppose to hit either tonight or tomorrow.. I can’t imagine the rainy season here with all these tents around! Praying for Gods protection of the people!

I love Knowing that he is in Control…

Monday, August 23, 2010


"How great is the love the father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God.."

Whoa, thats a lot of lovin going on! That was one of my verses the other day.. Just made me think and love the fact that I am child of God, no matter what.. No one can tell me different (well tell me and I believe them) No one can strip that from me.. No matter what.. Do you ever just sit in that fact? Do you ever just love that fact? You are a child of God! I LOVE it!

This week:

It has been a little tough for me lately, not going to lie (which by the way I am horrible at, if you are looking at me straight in the eyes.. you will know if I am lying to you or not) I have been homesick.. trying my hardest to give God that control, trying my hardest to not be in those moments. It hasn't kept me from doing anything or to hang out with the kids less.. mostly just something I am aware of at night. Wanting my familiararities again but wouldn't trade this experience for anything..

I feel like however I have found a peace in some things. I never thought I would be able to say Peace while I am in Haiti before.. I take them as glimpses from God. They have been amazing. Just a couple times have I been able to just sit in God's prescence here, not feeling like I have to do anything or hold anyone. I have to realize sometimes that in the end I am here for him. It's hard because I am here and I always feel I need to go hold a baby, or go play with the toddler, make sure that the older girls have someone to talk to.. when really I can't let that distract me from also having my time with him. It's a blanace I feel I am still needing to find.. not just here though I need to take that balance home with me as well.. I guess I say this all for accountability and prayer..

Today was my first day of teaching.. For the next two weeks I will be taking over the advanced students class. they all know english however are still behind in the whole education system.. I guess I am just saying that to America's standards.. here they are rich if they are even able to go to school.. I have a class of 8, I love them because they are like sponges. We are going over the creation movies from Ken Ham.. They have some good questions and I am praying God give me the words to say to them, I feel pretty grounded in what I believe and I back up with scripture however they are still young minds and I don't want to say something wrong and they hear differently! So I shall give a report by the end of the two weeks to see just how crazy these kids are, or how crazy they made me!

A Funny Note: I love how no matter where I am, no matter what country I am in a toddler will still eat a Pb and J the same way.. One of my favorite things here is watch the kiddos eat.. I know a little creep but i find amusement in it.. The toddlers tear apart the sandwhich lick both sides and continue to stick one hand in the peanut butter side and the other in the jelly and continue to eat.. It's funny because it almost seems in unison.. the 2, 3 yr olds will watch the 4, 5 yr olds to make sure they are doing everything right but still oh so cute to watch!

Done for tonight! Thank you for all who are reading and praying!

In Christ

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Oh Pickle...

I didn't really know what to title this one so.. OH Pickle.. Just seemed to fit!!

Sunday- Church day.. still missing my church family but am still thankful I am able to here for these kiddos.. However after church was probably another highlight for me.. It was pool day.. You should of seen the kids faces.. They were going ballistic because they got to go swimming.. little did I know that they only go 5 times out of the year.. It was fun however to witness a two girls first day at a pool.. ever. The oldest is 10 yrs old and they youngest is 6 both had never been to a pool before.. That for some reason just amazed me. I know that this happpens in the world. Not everyone goes swimming that much.. but to be 10 and to never go to a pool or the beach.. Kind of sparked an intrest, not sure why yet but it was fun to see there faces light up and have joy being carried around. It was also fun to watch the older girls.. Some are 14 years old and don't know how to swim.. Yeah it would be difficult giving an orphanage swimming lessons when they only go to the pool 5 times a year. It was just a fun and relaxing day for everyone.. they all just got to be kids!!!

Monday- It was a normal day and yes sometimes I feel mondays here are the same as home.. you don't want to get up you just want to sleep a little extra... It was the night that was intresting to me. I have become close with two girls here and we decided we were going to skype with my mom. ONe looks into the screen and asked the question "Does the Electricity always stay on in the states?" At first I had to do a double take to see if she was serious.. but then I realized of course she is.. I even find myself getting excited when the electricity comes on in the room here.. She has never lived anywhere, where people do not come around and just shut your electricty off. Here the govt pretty much runs it.. They do not have enough to filter to everyone so they have to shut it off periodically in order to give everyone a chance. I never really thought about it until she asked that question though. I am able to have electricity everywhere I go at home. They are use to warm juice and super creamy butter.. They still keep everything in the fridge and don't worry about whats going to go bad or not. I mean they check dates and stuff but they don't feel they have to throw a lot away just because the power went out. I will say that they do have a generator and sometimes run that. but Just the sencerity in her voice and curiousity on her face. She wants to live in a place where they don't turn her electricty off periodically. It was just a wonderment to me.

Still trying to figure some things out... The girls get mad at one other but for a reason such as one knowing enlish and Creole and has to translate for a lot of people.. Petty to us because we want to know other languages.. But here the older girls look down on those who have translate for others.. Weird to me.. kind of seems they get jelous of one another so they have to find the thing that will spark them..

A funny note: I found out here there is no tooth fairy.. In Haitian culture you want to throw your tooth on the roof.. The Mice will then eat it and you tell the mice I would like ugly teeth and because the mice are stubborn they will do the oppposite and give you pretty teeth (which of course is what you want in the first place) A little one lost two teeth here yesterday.. Hard to see when you are use to things at home as far as putting it under your pillow and waiting for the tooth fairy(your parents) to come in the middle of the night and you find out they are actually saving your teeth and when you are older and find them it was kind of cool to go back and look at them.. There is no saving here.. nothing gets put under the pillow, they either throw it on the roof or just throw it away.. and you kno what they are perfectly fine with it. Content with whatever desicion they make.. Opens my eyes more to the things that we do are really not that big of deal at all...

Well thats all for my rambling today! Will hopefully have more for you later this week!.. Sorry it's kind of hard to upload pictures onto this site so none for this one!!

In Christ

"But whatever was my profit I now consider loss for the sake of Christ" -- Philippians 3:7

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Where to begin?

It's been three days since I last updated everyone so I thought I would.. I just don't know how to out in words what I am going thru.

Friday: I had my early fun with the toddlers.. They are Pistols! A lot of slapping and biting going! But then some of the staff with Chris, the other team that is here and I did some adventuring of Port-Au Prince.. It was hard to see. There is ruble everywhere.. building after building is down. The whiff of smells is horrible. One thing that hit me hard was we went to see the hospital where they had picked up Marcos. That was overwhleming at first.. Not just because it gave me a glimpse of what he survived but just that these buildings are somewhat of life saving to them. Americas would not even step inside the gates if they were looking at these buildings. We get so wrapped up in the system and how the buildings could be better in America yes to some degree they can be but these people have no choice. It is still hard for me to be here and Marcos not be. I had told Joe and Joanne that I believe I am going through my anger stage right now.. all a guy needed to do was sign a piece of paper.. I am giving that to God though. He is in control and only he knows why. I have to be okay with that! Upon being at the hospital, I also got to see the nurse that took care of him when he was born and had to go through his surgeries. She was sweet.. I never did catch her name she had no idea what I was saying and I had no idea what she was saying and that was ok. We had also driven by some of the major tent cities.. They live in tents... Still hard to wrap my mind around. When I was a child we use to go camping a lot and we had fun setting our tents up, whether it was for just a weekend or a week it was fun for us.. This is not there fun, this is there life, this is there home. Some of the staff that even work here at the orphanage get off work and go to these tents.. How crazy is that? One thing I am praying about strongly is when I get back to America and go on living. I start my job again and soon will start school again.. I am praying that while at work I am not going to be judgemental, while at school i am not going to be judgemental.. when I walk into a building that is air conditioned or newly remodeled I pray I am not judgemental. I am going to be honest: I can get wrapped up in material things.. I am one to keep sentimental things especially when it come to my dads stuff.. to be Honest in the end None of these things will matter.. that is something that has hit my heart..

All these emotions were just on one day.. I have a feeling I am going to have some more as I continue with 4 1/2 weeks left..

Prayer Request: The older girls and the handicapped: Everyone wants a cute baby, everyone wants to start new.. there are girls here that are crying themselves to sleep because they miss their parents or they don't think anyone wants them because they are not babies anymore they are growing into beautiful young ladies. There are girls here that are wishing just for a family! If you have a heart to adopt I would not limit it just to the babies here or any other orphanage.. I would pray for the older ones as well! There are three handicapped girls that are here. I have the joy of spending 4 to 5 hours with them every morning.. They are joys! I love hanging with them and playing with them.. They don't undertsand me and I have no idea what they need or want but just to have attention and love that is all they seem to want! Chris is saying they are petty going to be here until they leave haiti! Which is fine with her, but still hard to imagine that this is their home.. and this is it for them. however when they get Heaven they are going to have an amazing time in the arms of our father just like all us born agains are.

There is so much beauty here in Haiti. a beautiful background paints the devestation. God is still here, God is still shining thru, God is still a protector. Do you know how amazing that is?!

"How humble your love, with a strength like no there and the heart of a father, how majestic your whispers what a wonderful God.. You made the earth and saw that is was good, you sent your only son for you are good"

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

My first Week!

I am having difficulty writing this blog.. There are just things that you cannot put into words.. Even my own mind is still trying to comprehend the emotion that is taking place. I believe I am going through a heartbreak. I have had one before so I know what the feeling is.

My heart breaks for these girls, it breaks because I can't do anything. It breaks because I can't be the family they want, I can't be what they need. I dislike the feeling of not being able to fix what they need fixed. Today was a rough day emotionally, one I wasn't feeling the greatest physically and so I think that kind of tied into everything as well. But the word attatchment has been thrown around. that was one thing I didn't really expect to creep up on me. There are a few older girls, a few toddlers and a few babies that I have come to love. But I was also told the phrase today "Do not become attached" WHAT THE HECK? I felt like a bulldozzer hit my heart. How is that possible? where do you draw the line? I hold hands with these kids, kiss them, hug them and try to pour love unto them. When they are sick I hold them and rock them to sleep. Some I have even put to bed more then once. How do you do all the above and not become attached? What kind of heart would I have if I didn't become attached?.. I know at the end of all this I will have to say good-bye, they will not have me forever.. I know that, I have come to grips with that. but I do know they will always have a place in my heart. I willlove them like I do my neices and nephews and pray for them to have a family whether it be on ther own here in Haiti or in the states. These kids deserve better. This is all in God's control.. he knows exactly what is going to happen to every single child that goes thru this orphanage and all the other orphanages and foster care's around the world. It is a mighty blessing to be here and I am still so thankful that I am. I have heard a lot of people say that God has some big plans for you.. I have to say this is pretty big just with being here. I don't think I would handle anything bigger! This is a growing experience that has been on my heart.. and it's only been a week.. after 5 I can't imagine! Just trying to take one day at a time and trying to love every minute of it!

On a funny note: I THANK GOD FOR WHOEVER INVENTED THE THROWAWAY DIAPER... They run on cloths diaper here.. put it on pin it, take it off throw it in a pile.. lets just say there are a whole of diapers going on here. I am okay if I never have to put a cloth one on again!

""The Lord God is with you, he is mighty to save, He will take great delight in you He will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing" Zephaniah 3:17

In Christ

Monday, August 9, 2010

Just a thought today:

So Haiti:
I know this has always been a poor country, even before the earthquake the struggled.. Probably not as bad as they are right now but still they had their hardships. When you look around it's hard to see what actually happened becacuse of the earthquake.
In being a poor country I know that it is hard to make ends meet.. It's hard to pay bills and put food on the table. In saying all of this, I still cannot imagine giving up one of my flesh and blood:
We had a pastor come to the orphanage today to give us his little girl she is just two months old and he just can't afford to pay bills and take care of his family. Little did we know that this was his 7th child.. When he came here and decided to give her up he did show little emotion, however he left and then came back with 4 more of his children. Two girls and a little boy.. The other one was 18 so is to old to be adopted and she spoke english so she was somewhat of a translator.. It's just hard to imagine what the pastor could be going thru. He still has his three oldest but still to have to give up four children in one day has to be heartbreaking.. I do understand that they may have a better life.. They may be able to be adopted and go to the states or to a better country. But it's still a heartbreaking thing to watch.. After all this is said and done he did tear up and wanted to know if he could come around and see them.. He shed a few tears but I believe is hoping on God's strength in all of this.. A heartbreaking story on this earth.. But God is still almighty and still father of all.. no matter how old you are!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

The weekend!!

Tonight is the coldest it has been since I have been here.. Yes It is 84 degrees..

This weekend was amazing..Some things you witness you can't put into words, nor can I put the smells in either.. they are not all bad smells but it makes the experience more real.

Friday: Was the end of Vbs for these kids.. They worked so hard this week in preparing a skit for everyone to come and watch especially Hal and Chris: One thing I admire about these girls and the young boys as well.. They sing: They sing when they wake up, They sing when they get dressed, everytime we get in the car to drive even for a minute they want to sing, They sing there prayer before they eat each meal and then for devotions they still sing! I can't help but laugh everytime it is so cute and admirable.. I have been known to have a lot of joy in my spirit if anything they have taught me how to have more. These girls are phenominal at what they are going through. Hal and Chris have made this Home for them. No matter what they are always going to have a special place in each kids heart.

Friday Night in the house is also sloppy Joe night!!! They are not the manwhich kind and the cows here are not corn feed so minimal fat but they were still delicious! It's fun because even the babies get one.. umm these kids are 6 monoths old eating a sloppy joe... all you have to do is tear it apart fro them and they dive into it like I do! They got us on the conversation of how babied Americans are... Not trying to be critical but really organic baby food and graduates food... They cannot afford that stuff here.. They can't go to the grocery store and find 10 diffrent varieties of baby food. So they eat people food and if they don't have teeth they make it a little soggy for them. I will say that those who don't eat well do get a bottle but even that is powdered milk and water. It was an intresting conversation but again another cool thing to see them using their resources!

Saturday: It was shopping day.. We (Hal, Chris, the two teams that are here and I) Did our own shopping, we did a little sightseeing as well. It's hard to say sightseeing here though.. Were we went they had set up all their paintings and wodden cravings they did.. however right acrosee the street was a big Tent city. It's hard to imagine what they went through and are still going through. Others camp right out their front doors because they are still to scare to go inside. They have a house they look at it everyday and still decide to live in a tent thru the rain and everything. That just boggles my mind!.. Saturday was also shopping day for the older kids as well.. They each get a new pair of jeans two HisHomeForChildren T-Shirts a pair of socks, a pair of shoes and a pair of flipflops.. It was fun to watch them want to try on clothes and want to try on new shoes. Another thing that was God's amazingness was these were all donated things.. besides the shirts but they didn't even have to pay for those either. These clothes were all for when they go back to school.

Sunday: I will Confess.. I MISSED GRACE COMMUNITY!!! It's hard to realize, how much the teachings and the church body has impacted me. I didn't think I would have this feeling! The Service was okay, He is a great man of God doing God's calling. But there is just something about your home church that you just miss when you go on vacation! I know you all agree with me! The pastor is trying.. I wouldn't know, how to handle a congregation after so much suffering so I will give him a little break on that. The elctricity went out in the church so for a little bit before they can get the generator going we were pretty much sticking together because of our sweat!
There are a few babies here that have stolen my heart and I already know I am going to cry when I need to leave and not be able to take them home! I now that through this process I am going to be processing a lot of just of all that I am seeing and the suffering that is taking place!
That is all for now!
In Christ!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Lets try this again!

I had a blog and then all of the sudden it went somewhere so if two blogs show up saying the exact same thing I am sorry!!

Today was Grocery shopping day! Man if you think you are bad with one cart trying shopping for a whole orphanage! We left with 6 carts from one store and two from another! There was an insane amount of food.. Oh and the best way to irritate a haitian man is to have a white girl help! It was a little weird I was actually bummed.. The grocery stores had everything imported so there is nothing actually made from haiti.. except the rum that is and I don't think it would be the smartest idea coming home with a bottle of rum (although Joe and his Bff Nathan wouldn't mind I am sure) But It was a good day.. They have workers here at the grocery store and they do everything for you from loading your car and making sure your bags are secure to even getting the stuff off the shelves and putting it in the basket for you.. The only stores here that are air conditioned are grocery stores because no one can really afford the units to insatll one...

Its crazy taking a shower under the stars because they don't have the material to make a roof over our pvc and tarp shower.. I love the whole noshaving your legs and armpits rule.. I could totally live here!!

I hope this finds you well, I will start posting pics of kids soon so you have faces to pray for!!

In Christ!

Grocery day!!!!

So it has been my second day that I have been here.. I have mixed emotions actually.. It seems so natural to go around and just live in Haiti.

Thursdays are grocery shopping day: If you think you are full with one cart you should try shopping for a whole Orphanage.. we left one store with 6 carts and the other with 2 carts. It was an insane amount of food! However I was kind of bummed They have nothing here that is actually made in Haiti besides the Rum!! I don't think bringing back a bottle of rum would be a good thing (well for my brother and his BFF Nathan it actually would be perfect for them) So it was a little disappointing but it was still fun to get out and see what it was like. The grocery stores are the only thing air conditioned in Haiti because some businesses either do not have electricty or just can't the equipment to have an air conditioner... Here though they have workers even in the grocery stores. These guys walk around and follow us, They help with the carts and even put the food in the baskets for us, they then get tipped for eveything that they do. I did learn however that girls are not suppose to help. They can't load carts or help bring groceries to the cars, they can't even bring it to the house if a guy is around because they feel it is disrespectful that a women is helping them... Yeah I irritated a Haitian today!!

Tomorrow we are going house shopping for the new girls home: This will be the third house Hal and Chris will open up and it is a program really to teach these girls responsibility but of Course that God should be the love of their lives...

I am liking Haiti the more and more I am here.. I already know its going to be hard to leave.. This is a no Shave your legs and armpits country yeah I could get use to that :) I know it's gross but they can't afford it so hey they don't do it!

One thing that has been challenging is It's 91 degrees even when I sleep, they don't have air conditioning so we sweat when we sleep, we sweat when we sit, we even sweat while we are in a shower. But even a cold shower has never felt so good... By the way there is this invention called a headlamp.. Why have I never heard of this before? We don't have a light to our pvc and tarp shower so one of the girls here let me borrow there headlamp it was great to be able to see what I was doing..

Okay done for tonight but I leave you with a video of the girls singing during their devos tonight!

sorry its a little dark!

My first night!

So we made it to Haiti safe and sound...

WOW.. I didn't think I would experience a culture shock.. Don't get me wrong I didn't go into this thinking ohh it's just going to be like America, but at the same time it was something I didn't really think to much about.

From the moment we got off the plane People were everywhere.. either running into you or screaming at other people (there tempers are short here in Haiti, the littelst things will set them off but as soon as they yell and tel you their two cents they are good to go).. And there driving is CRAZY!! Okay I know in the states I am considered a bad driver but Ohh no these people are rush rush rush everywhere and they are so impatient so there horns are going all the time!! But One thing I will add is just how caring people are here.. They are so friendly and want to help you and some not just for the money.. I mean you have those when we got out of the airport that tried to help you with your bags and wouldn't take no for an anwser but you also have those who seem to geniuenly care and want to help you.

The things I guess that hit me hard was the kids.. There were some at the airport gate just putting their hands thru the gate holes just trying to get some money.. or while we were driving from the orphanage there were some walking by themselves on these dirty muddy roads, There are piles of trash everywhere and it seems that the animals are free to do what ever they want. I even have a picture of some cows eating on a playground. That is just so foregin to me especially since I am the one who wants to eat the cow not watch the cow eat where I am playing!

Yesterday at the orphanage was a full day.. Well it seemed to me it was full... I will say I don't think I have ever sweated this much then I am right now and the sweat never seems to stop... It was in the 80's at 9a.m when we got off the plane so it had to be in the 90's to 100's during the afternooon last night I believe it went back to 80 a little break while we were sleeping! The kids here are so friendly and helpful they go to VBS during the day so I actually spent more time in the nursery with the little ones.. I will confess it was hard to go in at first.. The first thing I saw was the little blue chair that Marcos was sitting in, in one of his pictures, I couldn't help but shed a tear. I want him here for my brother and sister (in-law) but I know he is in a better place and no longer needs human affection but is in the arms of our loving father!

These kids are so amazing they have hard conditions yet still at night they are singing Mighty to save. There showers are a PVC pipe and a tarp and they are still singing how great is our GOd.. It's humbling to watch, I know God has blessed me with being able to live in America and I will forever be grateful for that. I pray that these kids know and feel God's love...

One thing you can pray about is the older kids... They need families just as much as the babies do, here in Haiti when you leave an orpahange you are going no where to them this is all the have right now!

Sorry this update is a little long... I will write more later!!

In Christ!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Richie and Chris

Alrighty... We were suppose to be in Haiti today but God had other plans for us!!

We made it to Detroit but the airlines mixed up codes and all that stuff.. so 5 minutes before our plane took off they finally let us go.. However there was the dreaded security that we always have to go through.. yeah we didn't make the flight instead we spent the night in Detroit caught the first flight to Florida (6:30 a.m).. We made it to Florida but flights to haiti is only once a day and that happens to be 8ish in the morning. So tomorrow Morning we will be on our way to haiti Luggage and all and two little medical babies Richie and Chris..

RICHIE: He is 4 years old who had cancer and tumors in his right leg... The leg had to be amputed and he had to get a prostetic.. He is so fully of energy and smiles.. He calls me his girlfriend and has proposed to me 4 times now.. I guess his host family had teenage boys not only does he do the girlfriend thing but every once in a while he will yell JERRY JERRY... Not the greatest influence but still he is full of love. He does a mom to go home to she will be meeting us at the orpahange I just pray that his mom is able to take care of him even with a disability. He is a sweet boy but could use a spanking or two ;)

Chris: He is a very content 9 month old.. He has Hydracphalic (not sure about the spelling on that one) he had to have a stint put in so that his head does not grow any larger but it will always be abnormally large he just has to grow into it! He is sweet sure he cries when he needs feed and changed but with him you can't say "Oh life is just so hard isn't it" I know a lot of us have when babies cry.. for him however I would sarcastically reply "Well yeah I have a 15lb head you start lugging this thing around"

God is already teaching me flexability and early mornings: Hal and Chris are such troopers sure they get frustrated and a little mad but there hearts always seem to be in the right place and they are two very patient people ( I know I know something I can learn from them)

So tomorrow will be the day we will finally make our way to Haiti!!!

Pray for us.. we are tired with only 4 hours of sleep, and we really want to make our flight tomorrow!

In Christ

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Today is it!

So I cannot sleep...
Full of excitement, doing some last minute packing and yes still full of excitement!
I won't actually get to Haiti until Tuesday morning because I will be spending the night in Florida... but still today is one day closer to getting there.. One day closer to another Journey in my life.
If you guys could pray for our flight that would be so helpful, we all know how airports could get..
Also we are flying down with two medical babies who are going back to their families.. Pray that they arrive safe to their homes as well
I do want to lift up Hal and Chris .. Not only did our family lose Marcos but they did too, They were a big part of his life and he theirs.. I pray they weep and rejoice in the fact that God is holding that precious baby boy! Hal and Chris will also be away from their newly adoptive children as well.. Just praying for them that they rely more on God in this matter. Yes they want to be home(here in the states) but they also want to be home(In haiti) to serve these other kid and make sure they all can go to a safe environment away from all the destruction!

Thank you again for all those reading and praying..

Monday, July 26, 2010


I have been avoiding blogging.. but more and more I feel God wanting me to share... I know it's for the good, so thats others can pray for me but that stupid pride has come back to tell me I can handle this alone.. I know however that I can't....

Some of you may not know and most of you do that my little nephew Marcos passed away July 22... It's been rough.. I have been selfish in wanting him here, in wanting to take pictures of him at the orphanage, I had clothes packed and a list made of things to check for so when I got back Joe and Joanne would be ready for him as far as diapers and food and clothes go..I have been selfish in wanting him to be there and holding him posting those cute pics of Auntie and Nephew time ,of wanting to add more into my neices and nephews scrapbook.. I wanted to be able to bring him back with me, to tell him how much his parents love him I wanted to spoil him like I have all my other 7 neices and nephews that are here on this earth I wanted to go and see him, not his gravesite.

But I have to realize the joy in all of the... He is Perfectly whole with God right now, He is being held by his grandpa(my dad) no longer having to worry about pain or medicines, no more surgeries or even where his next meal will come from.

God can give him more love then I can ever imagine.

God is working in my heart hard, Satan is trying to fight as well.. I know I need to go, I want to go, this country and this orphange has been on my heart for so long I would regret staying and not listening to God..

From the bottom of my heart I thank everyone who has supported me not only financially but praying for me and encouraging me and giving me shoulder after shoulder to cry on...

This trip is going to be harder then I imagined now...

With God by my side...

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

A brother in Christ... Bryce

Another one you can pray for: He will be returning August 5th

T.I.H= This is Haiti
Hey everyone,
I hope you all are doing well! I just wanted to update yall on what is going on down here.
First of all, it was a journey raising the finances to be able to come. This was a last minute opportunity to come and the Lord definitely used his servants to do what I thought maybe wouldn’t happen. So from the bottom of my heart, I thank you for your obedience and compassion.
Second.... This is Haiti....What that means is sort of a missionaries saying (fill in the blank after "This is ___" to whatever country or area you are missioning at) It means that whatever happens, happens and it will all be ok : ). After living here a month, from duct tape electrical wiring on telephone poles, to no electricity because the meter blew up to our house porch flooding due to monsoon season to putting a naked baby/toddler on your shoulders and getting pee'd on....Its all apart of the experience.
We live in a house run by haitan workers who are our family away from our families. They are sweet, God fearing people who are honorable in their service to help us do what we came to do. The house is able to hold up to 25-30 (which we have pushed to those limits) because short term teams from a church in california. Cornerstone, to work one week at a time. We get a new team in every sunday. It has been nice to meet new people each week which keeps the heir of the house fresh due to new faces and stories.
But I work with a team of 5 whom I met down here in Port-au Prince. All four of them I didnt know before hand but bonded instantly. We as a team were called here to disciple, to raise up leaders in the Hatian people to run themselves just as paul did across europe and china. The team of 4 has been here since may 21 and is actually leaving in 2 days. They will have been here a total of 2 months. Our discipleship team were called to be guinea pigs (in a good way) to start a movement to disciple the hatians. It is a work in progress and often times the strategies dont work but we are working through to find out what fits best. So far the Lord has blessed us with 4 or 5 men who come from crazy backgrounds like depressed fashion designer to an ex- voodoo priest who curst people by the powers of satan. One man was I am having the privelege of teaching personally was in prison in the usa and was deported to Haiti. These are the fools for Christ that the Lord is rising up to lead Haiti back to God : )
It has been a long and thorough road but one thing the Lord has shown me is Haiti is an honest country. They being oppressed by the government and poor but at least they know it. Why I came is because they are hungry!!! hungry for the word of God! They soak the hope that is jesus Christ like a sponge becasue they have been shown that nothing else is sustainable.
Desperation....Its beautiful here. You will see destruction from most TV stations and how sad they are but that isnt the whole truth. Life goes on here and Hope is in Christ for most. I envy their willingness to learn and genuine joy : ). They have taught me to be honest.
The food is great (mangos, fruit, chicken, rice, chicken spaghetti, powder milk cereal) carribean food..its great : ). Life is uncomfortable but oh so simple. The Lord has shown me to find joy in the physically uncomfortable and has weened me to work through it. Its been a trip but ive never found so much freedom in the simplicity of the walk of faith.
Be praying for more missions teams to come down because the work is far from over but also for the leaders that will take over when we leave. Some are months old christians but we have faith, that is all we have : )
"If we are out of our mind, it is for the sake of God; if we are in our right mind, it is for you. For Christ's love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again. "
2 Corinthians 5:13-15

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Prayers and Praise!

Praise: I was able to get all of my tolietries and first aid essentials for my trip, I am still amazed at the money that has poured in to support. I thank you guys from the bottom of my heart to all those supporting and praying for me. My shots went well, Ann's hand only hurt a little bit afterwards.. I am glad I didn't break any fingers!! Another praise was at the Health department.. people are so afraid sometimes to mention God in daily conversation because they don't want to step on anyone's toes.. One Lady had mentioned how she knew there was a purpose for all of this happening and she kept saying "Bless you from the bottom of my heart" I simply had to just say No God totally has a purpose in this whole thing... and BAM she opened up about church, about what they were doing. She even mentioned that if she were young enough she would be on that plane to go... It was just a good conversation right there in the health department both nurses even took the site to this blog .... More praises.. Since the earthquake happened I have been collecting clothes to send to diffrent orphanages not just to Haiti but to other organizations as well I came into contact with 15 places and nobody wanted anything well today Chris met with me at the church and we went thru all these boxes of clothes and she took about 5 boxes with her! It was fun to see the clothes finally being put to good use and to helpp in that way that we can!

Prayer: I did find out today that I will be house shopping in Haiti(No not for me) but Chris and I believe another organization are getting a house together for girls ages 8-15 who are not eligible to be adopted.. I will be helping with the setting up of this with Chris.. WHOA that was so exciting yet crazy to hear all at the same time! It's just going to be amazing to see God work and I am just praying for these girls.. I don't know where they have been or want to go or even if they know God at all but I pray that they do. If you will just lift them up I am sure I will be updating on how many and their ages and what they are like! I am sure I will have more prayer requests and I get closer to my trip and when i get there!
Thank you again for all who are supporting me!

He is always by my side

Monday, July 12, 2010

6 months ago!

Today marks 6 months since the earthquake happened in Haiti... Time has seem to go by fast. However I wonder how it is going for them.. They wake up everyday in the realization of what happened and wanting to move on with their lives. I read an article the oher day that was actually uplifting

"They draw pictures to help heal their grief and write songs and dramas about their heartache, along with the reawakening hopes and dreams. Now the country's young people encourage their elders, calling January 12, 2010 "the birthday of Haiti's future"

It's hard to grasp the concept of what they could be going through. It breaks my heart to know little kids are running the streets or are forced into child slavery. But it's amazing of God's power, and his love not just for the little ones but the old as well.

I had a praise this sunday, I ended up getting the money I needed for my trip.. yeah I cried some tears of joy, it is finally in place of how real this is going to be. I am going to HAITI!! I thank you to whoever donated to me for showing me that people care and want to help and for the encouragement of all your prayers! I always knew I would in the back of my head but God's power and love never ceases to amaze me. I am excited to go but still a little nervous. I love loving God!
On a side note: Well I have put off long enough to go get my shots... I have an appointment tomorrow and my friend Ann is going to go with me.. yeah to hold my hand!
Sorry for my little ramblings.. just thought I would update people!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

No title

I was able to get my plane ticket awhile ago but still praising God that he has supplied a need once again! I feel as time approaches I am getting more and more excited for the trip! Curiosity is starting to take over as to how its going to be and what I am going to do there! Yes I still need to get those shots..

I did meet with Hal, Chris and Junior(their right hand man) and Chris pretty much informed me that I will be letting the nannies take a break. I will be holding babies when they need or want to held, changing them, feeding them and just Loving them! I have been hearing stories from other friends as well and I thank God has placed them into my life just with this being my first overseas trip and even to a third world country that just went through so much devestation, It is going to be eye-opening and humbling. But God has control! I am excited to know how the kids are and what they are like, their schedules and really just hang out with them! However you can start praying early for this one little girl.. She was involved with VooDoo before coming to the orphanage and I am not allowed to wear red around her. She believes she is a vampire and will start trying to suck blood out of people. I pray that she lets God come in, she lets him take control and is no longer under this crazy influence.

On a side note:
July 4th has just passed, and it amazes from the age of infancy to 100 all of us gather around to watch in awe of the fireworks display. There was a boy who was adopted from this orphanage that I am going to be working at there with me in the group and from my understand and his parents, he had never seen fireworks before. It's funny the little things that make us stop and be kids again I loved watching him and everyone around me just brighten up whenever the colors pooped in the sky! ANother Enjoyment was at our church picnic... There was the water fountain that the kids fell in love with, they had no care in the world that they were covered from head to toe dripping as they walked around but they had so much fun doing it. It's an amazing feeling when you realize what blessings you have. For us playing in water is an outdorr fun for us, while in other countries they have to ration their water and make sure it is clean enough that they can even drink it!
I thank God for the little blessings in life everyday and still trying to glorify him all that I can!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Am I ready?

I have gotten that question a lot latley... Are you ready??

To be honest no I am not, I have a heart full of questions but God is teaching me trust. Will I ever be ready for something like this? No I won't be completely ready but again trusting more in God. I am going to want to bring them home. I am going to want to never let them go. Some things I have in common with these kids is one my child-like heart, yes I know when to act my age but most of them time you will see me playing with the kids more then talking with the "adults", I know how it feels to have lost a parent.. I only know one side to that story I couldn't imagine losing both my dad and mom it would be hard to overcome that. I know with God by your side you can overcome anything but to lose both these kids must be full of questions. I am praying that God gives me the words to speak but the ears to listen as well. I remeber there were times and still I have my moments where I would just like someone to sit and listen not try to "fix" anything but just sit with me in frustration or sit with me in my tears and yes sit with me in laughter. I am praying that these little ones will see hope, not in me while I am there but in the big picture of everything they are being taught my Hal and Chris and those that are adopted I hope they see that from their parents, I pray they are realizing God ginormous love for them even after such a hardship.

So to anwser anyone one's question.. No I don't think I will be ready or I am be ready as I can before I go experience this crazy adventure I have never experienced before...

Praying and trusting even when I have no anwsers....

Sunday, June 20, 2010

My friend Robert

My friend Robert is now in Haiti and sent some more prayer requests...

Facebook Messages - Back Again: "Dear Friends,

I am finally back again in the beautiful country of Haiti. I know a lot of you didn't know that I leave early this morning and I apologize for not letting everyone know ahead of time. I flew out of Houston at 6 a.m., had a layover in Miami and landed in Port-au-Prince around 3:30. I met Gersan at the airport and then we drove back to his house where I had an AWESOME meal of white rice and meat. I am now about to go to bed because we are leaving early tomorrow morning to drive out to Jacob's Well. The last time I drove there, it took six and a half hours.

I will be out at the camp for a couple of weeks at least and I won't have any contact with internet and possibly even phone. Laity Lodge Youth Camp will be coming down for a week in early July to do work at camp and I'm excited about it and can't wait until they get here. I will spend a couple of weeks working with two awesome guys, Bobby and Dustin, trying to get finished with some construction and getting the camp ready for LLYC.

Please be in prayer for us as we will be doing a lot of work at camp. Pray that we will get a lot done and have everything ready for LLYC. Pray for that group, that they will have safe travel down. Pray for the kids that will be at camp and for the Haitian staff. Finally, please pray for the country itself. Pray that Satan's hold will losen and that God's abundant light will shine forever."

Thursday, June 17, 2010


Okay Confession time...
My pride doesn't want to hand out support letters... My pride wants to do it all by itself.. I can pray by myself and I can make the money by myself. Uhh my pride, through this adventure of getting ready for Haiti I am really seeing myself needing to be humble and ask for help. I have made so many list of people to send or hand a letter to and all those lists I have crossed out people, one by one giving myself an excuse of why I shouldn't give them one. They won't have the time to pray, they won't have time to even read this blog to keep up with what I am doing, they won't have the money because times suck right now for everyone. God is so gracious... I need the prayer everyday that I am there, I am going to need finances because I CAN'T do this by myself... I am going to need the encouragement knowing that people care and want to help and want to read about what is going on... God just seems to be chipping at my heart more and more.. God to you alll the glry be for you are my rock even admist my pride....
"Humble yourselves before the Lord"
In Christ

Thursday, June 10, 2010

A friend

I have this friend his name is Robert Meyer and he will be living in Haiti, longer then I will of course but he will doing some pretty amazing things! Here is his info if you are intrested!!! In Christ!

Facebook Robert's moving to Haiti: "Hey Everyone,

As the group title says, I'm moving to Haiti for what could turn into a long-term deal. I will be working with Pastor Gersan and Betty Valcin. I will be helping them mainly at Jacob's Well Camp in Little Guinea and also in Port-au-Prince.

If you have ever talked to me about my trips then you know my desire for that country and the people. It is truly one of the most beautiful places I have ever been to. I can't wait to get back there.

I would like to ask you for your support for me as long as I'm there. Please pray for me, for the camp, for the Valcins and their ministry and of course, for the people and country. If you feel led to, please consider supporting me financially as I will need monthly supporters to help me stay there. I will need around $1,000 a month to cover all the expenses. If you would like to partner with me, please contact me.

I do want to say thank you in advance for all of your prayers and support and to also say thank you for everyone who has supported me in the past. I would not go there without the prayer support that you have given me and my team members.



Robert Meyer
185 CR 3107
Crockett, TX 75835"

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

A question

Caleb and Sol:
§ Will you surrender your life and your plans and your future and your hopes and your dreams and your desires and your thoughts and your actions and your words – all to the Lordship of Christ? Or will you continue to deny His total call/claim upon your life?

So I was reading their blog.. (They have pretty good voices by the way)
They asked this question.. simple right?
I have to say it was almost convicting.. no not almost it really was convicting.. How many times do we (I) say okay God you can have this dream but God can I have this one? I wonder how many times God laughs at us little ones here on earth and goes "You silly human don't you realize I have control of EVERYTHING?" no we don't realize that.. we get so wrapped up in our self centered lives that we don't want to give God all of our dreams, our hopes, our desires, or even our thoughts.... it's funny because he already knows all of these things and we still don't want to give them to him. One future aspect I struggle with from time to time is just where I am going to be even next year.. Life has changed a lot for me and I know how much change a year can bring... I struggle with this while I am going to Haiti.. One thing about going (if I have said this before please forgive me) is it pretty much changes life so to speak, my education life that is, I will either go and love it come back and be so motivated to want to finish.. or I will go and God has something diffrent for me, something way off track of what I thought... I pray my heart is ready for that change whatever it may be I pray that God's desires are my desires
I am in love with God's forgivennes, I am in love with God's grace for he alone can fill me and he alone would I surrender my life too!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Come People of the Risen King (with lyrics) - Keith & Kristyn Getty

We should rejoice, in all that we do, in sickness and health, rich or poor.. Heck ya it's hard but God had done so much for us, our human minds will never fathom!

Let every tongue rejoice!!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


I know it's not much what I say, but a lot curiousity comes when I think of different cultures...
Family is a big thing, I have taken a lot of sociology and psychology courses to know that family is huge in some cultures and little to nothing in others. But still someone somewhere has a family.
In visisting these orphan's I think it's going to be hard for me to go and not want to take them home. All I can do right now is pray for them especially the older children.. Everyone seems to want a baby when they adopt but the 10 and older department need homes just as well. It's hard to imagaine but I know it's reality some kids will go from house to house or simply live in an orphanage from the day they are born until the day they reach "adulthood". I love knowing that I am a child of God... Forever I will have a home in Heaven and Forever I will have someone to call Father, Abba, Daddy he will always be the one in my heart and never shuffle me from room to room or house to house...

Today was a bittersweet day, we found out my grandfather passed away in his sleep, yes he was adoptive but he was still my grandpa.. It's hard for those who he left behind but encouaraging to know he is no longer in pain or worrying about the meds to take.. He doesn't have to get up in the middle of the night to let the dog out or worry about the petty things we worry about here on earth he is forever with God my father. The man was a child of God, he never missed a birthday or any of my siblings anniversary and he was the one who held my hand thru my earthly fathers funeral. It's even more encouraging to know that they are there together enjoyig the goodness of who God is! Forever Grandpa you will be in my heart!
It's hard to imagine life without the people around me or the people who have made an impact, but to step in the shoes of these orphans thats what they may have to deal with everyday. They may have questions about their parents, their grandparents even if they have any siblings anywhere and they just may never know. But I pray grealy with a heavy heart that their eyes are fixed on our heavenly father and they are able to see that no matter what he is never going to leave us!
Praying for family today and thanking GOd I was able to enjoy one!
In Christ!

Monday, May 31, 2010

Little Ones..

So a picture I found and I hope the person I stole this from doesn't mind... I am nervous yet excited to get to know these little (or big) kids but I hope I can touch an ounce of their lives as I know they will have my heart from the moment I get there!
Still praying for the trip, I will be leaving in about 2 months but I know it may come quick this summer... Just praying God is glorified and honor through this whole experience I wouldn't be able to do anything without him!!!
In Christ

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Gods Heart: Adoption

I love this video, if anything it just makes me want to pray more and more for the little ones of this world who do not have a place to call home, and makes me so grateful that I have always had what I needed and more growing up!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Oh a verse!

10.I seek you with all my heart; do not let me stray from your commands. 11. I have hidden your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you Psalm 119:10-11

I pray this constantly just that God will be in my heart and I will seek him!!!

The orphanage I am going to be working at is called HIS home for Children.... Here is their website if you are intrested in knowing more about them!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Shots and Creole....

So this past week I found out how many shots I have to get
right now at least four and take some malaria medicine... I am not a shots girl at all so I don't know how you would pray about that but please do.. and the language.. If I want to speak to the nannies and even some of the kids I need to learn Creole, it's going to be intresting getting there and trying to speak their language but luckily I have 6 weeks so I hope it doesn't take me to long to learn if anyone knows a website to learn the language I would love it!
Still feeling lead to this trip more and more each day!
In Christ..

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Jesus Messiah - Chris Tomlin

Still praying

There are so many moments that I have had over these past couple of weeks just about God's grace and love. I am getting mentally ready more and more for this trip and just sit in prayer at times of am I really ready for this?! I am my own worst critic and somtimes find it hard that I can do something. This is my first overseas trip and my first time going by myself somewhere on a mission trip.. am I really ready for this?.. This in my mind is also thr trip that will sorta of set things in place for me. If this is where God is leading which I feel he is I just pray it is made known the whole time I am there. If not then it is going to be hard going back to school and wondering what I am doing!! Again am I ready for this?!
Praying always and always and thanking God every step of the way!
In Christ...

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Why start now?

My human instinct sometimes just get an urge to start a blog and sometimes I will have no idea what to write.. other times I will be writting about my adventures like most people do!

Well I am preparing to go to Haiti! I will be there for six weeks spending time at an Orphanage and helping the nannies with the kids and pretty much just doing whatever they tell me to do! I am so excited yet so nervous and craziness going thru my mind all at the same time! God is so good and I am so blessed to be living in America that I pray I don't come back judgemental or hard on people because after all this is the land of free the dream for everyone!
I pray that on the Journey I will strtched and molded more into the child God wants me to be!

In Christ!