Tuesday, August 31, 2010

About Two weeks left!!!

Whoa Time seems to go by fast here.. I feel like it wasn’t to long ago I was packing and making lists on stuff to get ready to come. Now I am thinking of packing and stuff I am doing here before I leave! Well not so much the packing part (Yeah I am still a procrastinator)

This past week in a half I have been teaching at the boys home.. It’s the Kids from the orphanage who can’t afford to go to the Haitian schools. So Hal and Chris set up a makeshift school. Two teachers come every day and since one of them is sick I am filling in for him. I have been teaching the English speaking students. We have actually been going over the creation in the mornings and watching the Ken ham DVD’s it’s pretty cool to see them sponge up new information!

Friday: We(The team that is here and I) had a dance party for the kids.. It was fun watching them dance and sing along to the songs... They know a lot more then you would think... Yup even some of the boys can do an amazing moon walk.. They all say they taught themselves when you get bored and you have nothing else to do ya just figure things out.

Saturday: The team of 6 left for Ireland... Yeah I was a little Jealous they are in the cold and not sweating so much but thankful. That I was able to meet them!
Saturday afternoon was kind of an emotional time.. The biological parents come every last Saturday of the month and I just happen to be here... There were some that came in that wanted to see pictures of their kids in the states and others who wanted to know why their kids have not been adopted yet.. The hard part for me was watching the interaction between one particular family. Since I have been here we have had five new kids come into the orphanage and one was a family of four. They got to see their parents for the first time in three weeks… The oldest one who understands more of what going on went up to her parents gave them hugs and let the others come and do the same.. However the second to oldest wanted nothing to do with her, she ran to me instead which when I saw the mothers face and read her eyes my heart hurt for her… her own daughter seemed to want nothing to do with her anymore. OIEE I had to actually leave because that was the only way I thought I would get her to go to her mom. I couldn’t imagine the pain her mom felt that you want nothing to do with me, yet I have nothing I can give as far as bringing you home and keeping you with me. Then the leaving part came.. The second to youngest soon caught on to what was happening and lost it.. he cried, cried and cried.. He wanted his mom and dad yet again they couldn’t do anything for him. I couldn’t say anything to make him feel better, he can’t understand English anyways so that wouldn’t of helped even if I started talking… all I could do was just simply pray for the family. I can’t imagine watching both my parents walk out on me. But yet I can’t imagine being a parent and having to leave 4 of my children because I can’t take care of them anymore. It was just a hard battle.. I love knowing that in the end of all of this God is still in control.

Sunday: Church in the morning and then pretty much a hang out day! It’s always fun watching them play with each other although there is a lot of bickering that seems to be going on lately (or pretty much all the time I just notice it more I guess) I pray for these older girls some of them cannot be adopted anymore because they have aged out and some have nowhere to go. I pray they want to be different and still hold onto what they have been taught here at the Orphanage

A funny note: So Monday school started again and when I walk I usually have my head down looking at the dirt and rocks around me.. I am surrounded by the non-English speaking students and they get so excited that they can say my name so they are usually around me every morning.. However I am walking not paying attention and all of the sudden I hear “Teresa Woof Woof” “Teresa Woof Woof” I look over at one of the girls around me wondering what is going on then she points.. yeah I almost ran into a dog on the street they just didn’t know the word for god yet.. hey they have Woof Woof down they are making progress!!

Prayer Requests: Praying for my health.. Today I went to school for an hour but had to come back.. I have a head cold going on that is now putting pressure on my ears. Just praying for healing and that I can get over this quickly.. And praying for Haiti.. Hurricane Earl is suppose to hit either tonight or tomorrow.. I can’t imagine the rainy season here with all these tents around! Praying for Gods protection of the people!

I love Knowing that he is in Control…

1 comment:

  1. Yes he is in control, crying after reading the blog and praying for all of you <3 such sadness.
