Tuesday, November 15, 2011

A Whole Month!

Laundry, Dishes, burnt dinners, take out from those burnt dinners, cover stealing, teaching my husband what i do with eye liner and mascara.. WE SURVIVED A MONTH!!!

I have learned so much in just a month not just myself but my best friend I married as well! Between trying to get our apartment set up and then detroying the living room ( We wanted to stay up all night and so we moved our mattress into the living room.. and since friday we have been sleeping in the living room) We have had some adjustments! I have tried and am still learning how to cook! Aaron is challenging me with different dishes, some I didn't know you could really do by your self and how easy it is.. I have made green bean casserole, Corn w/cream cheese casserole and apple sauce from scratch, some of you may think big whoop but hey it's pretty good in my book!
I love how God is teaching us! It has been a challenging for me emotionally to get use to someone always wanting to be around me (He is my husband so if he didn't I would have some concerns) taking awhile to get past a selfish side I didn't really see before I got married but God's forgiveness is so amazing his mercy never stops and his love never fails!
I have had this verse that helped me these past couple of weeks: Hope it can comfort you as well:
"Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God." 2 Corinthians 1:3-4

God is still God and God is still good!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

A picture Site!

So With picture taking I am trying to get a little more out there with it!

SO I decided to start up a site, mostly a photo gallery that I am going to be doing so I don't overload my facebook page with hundreds of pictures which most people don't even look through all of them!

It's off shutterfly, I am still trying to figure how and where to sell some as well but will just leave it at this for right now!


Saturday, October 22, 2011

Oh the Changes!

Well with a New job, a new last name, a new home and most importantly a Marriage changes have arised everywhere!

October 15th We said I do! It went by pretty fast but at the same time it was so amazing and truely something I will never ever ever want to forget!! EVER!!
We started off with a Mermorial video one that we didn't think would impact us that much but oh how it did.. We honored those who shaped us who we are but could not be at the wedding. They had passed on early in our lives but yet still hold so much of our hearts.. They will alaways be missed.. I loved the simplicity of it all. From Mason Jars to Desserts We are not crazy show people or huge production people.. I loved looking around and seeing our families together and seeing them catch up with each other.

and Then I came to a new home.. That was insane for me. I have moved in with my husband something I wouldn't of thought in a million years until I met Aaron. He was so sweet we even had a dance in our living room something so special to us that I am glad we saved it just for us! It is definetly intimadting coming into a house that is actually mine. Aaron reminds me off and on that I can not be super wife the next day and I won't be super wife. No one actually is. We are sinners in a sinful world I will fail and yes I know that but marriage also shows me almost more then you want it to!

Then My new job!! two days before I got married I had a job offer come my way and I took it. I now work in a christian store that sells books, music and so much more. I love it already a change yes but hey that seems to be the thing to do right now.

Marriage life is intresting to say the least.. When we have a tiff it has to be settled there because of the whole ya know we have no where else to go this is our home bit! Enough marriage counseling can't prepare you for the little things you tend to find out about yourself or your spouse.. But It's Oh so much Fun!!

I am so excited to be married to my best friend! Thankful so much how God brought us together and yet has so much more in store for us!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Craziness going on!

Today I just wanted to write a little..
I feel like every time I do I need to say something clever or profound when actually I got nothing!
The vision of being a wife is slowly creeping up on me, I have 44 days until I get married and to be honest it is a little nerve wracking! We have been learning a lot in our marriage counseling and for me a lot of personal growth is being taken place and still needing to take place. It's going to be weird saying this is my husband, however I like the sound of it! I do find myself having pish posh thought like what if I am not a good wife, what if after our first year he wonders what he married? However I know that God has me here for a purpose, God placed Aaron in my life on his time and he placed me in his life to be his wife! I know that I am going to mess up, I am going to mess up plenty of dinners, conversations, dirty spots are going to be missed but I know that I am not wonder woman and by any means I am not perfect! A new adventure in my life that I have never been before and will be one of the most important adventures in my life. I pray that I stay strong for him. Pray that I can be what God intends for me to be. I love the fact that in this transition in my life God has some amazing women placed in my life. They I know will be there to help me, watch me, pick me up when I need and yup teach me how to cook! I am going to love being a wife and I know that no matter God is going to be there every step of the way!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

I want to brag!

So I want to brag about my future husband!
He is so book smart, If he is not top of his class he is top three, he knows his stuff when it comes to cars. He can be sitting on the front porch and if a car passes buy sounding weird he can tell you whats wrong with it and he doesn't have to stop it and look under the hood. He has a desire, a desire to grow and develop a stronger relationship with God. He wants to be different then what he was a year ago and he brings so much laughter and Joy in my life!
We went to register the other day at Kohls and Walmart and it took all night for us to do it! At kohls I had a little sticker shock problem just because some things to me were more then I thought would be but we compromised, he scanned then told me what to cross off so I wouldn't have to deal with it. We were tired after kohls and then had to drive to the other side of town for walmart and he was a kid in a toy store with that scanner in his hand! He doesn't show emotion for very many things but when he does his whole face lights up with that smile of his and I am so excited to be spending the rest of my life with my best friend! God knew I needed him especially with directions.. He always has to write them out for me!
Okay I am done bragging about him now! I don't want his head to get any bigger! :)

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The Title An Adventure still fits Oh so well!

So It has been a while since I have written anything.. Last time I updated I was talking about Haiti.. NOw I am going thru another Journey in my life and I figured I could fill everyone in here. I hope this is what you want Bethany!

So As most of you know I am engaged!
April 29,2011 Aaron asked me to be his Mrs.Regedanz and I said Yes!!
We are getting Married October 15th 2011!!

Aaron and I met Feb of 2010,his cousin steven actually introduced us but we actually just remained friends, to be honest I didn't want anything to do with him! It actually came in a turning part of my life. Looking back I see the hand of God. For the longest time I never thought I would get married I actually wanted nothing to do with guys I mean sure I was a girl and I looked from a distance but nothing came out of it and I am so glad that God did not give that feeling to me. He saved me I believe for Aaron. in April I made the commitment to God that I wasn't going to date anyone that summer. I was headed to haiti in August and I just wanted it to be God and Me time. Yes God still showed me the small things to like about Aaron but I still kept my promise. We went on a youth activity because College kids were invited and it was there that we actually talked and got to know each other more.. he pursued me, was it weird.. HECK YEAH.. I had never really known that feeling so to have I had no idea what I was doing. God was still in control. I still would not let myself however think about dating him.. Well until my wiser older Brother kinda pushed me to think about it :) I was so focused on my trip I wasn't really realizing what was in front of me but at the same time I was grateful for Aaron's heart he didn't push or pressure he didn't keep asking me out he let me have my God and me time. While I was in haiti He wrote me a letter a day, sometimes if the internet was out there would be two emails there just wondering how everything was going. It was about a week or so until I came home.. I was ready to be home that I finally said "okay what are we?" :) (I can be the type of person that wants to know then and there!! ) We talked it out knowing what both of us had wanted but of course did not want to officialize it over an email (I mean really) Well I came home Sept 15th but two days later hoped in a car and went to Texas to suprise my mom and my sister for their birthdays.. They had wanted to see me too. It was until Sept 22nd that we had talked and actually seen each other face to face we both know that we wanted to date. SO then October 2nd it became official we went out on our first date! Still loving the fact of seeing God work I love how God saved me for him. I am excited to be marrying him he is a man of God that i feel I have been waiting for and would never take that back!
Okay so I am done being mushy.. a friend of mine asked me to tell our story and as wedding plans progress I am sure there will be more! :)

God Is Good all the time

Thursday, January 13, 2011


It's hard to imagine that yesterday was a year since the earthquake in Haiti... I have to say this year went by rather fast for me... I question that without the earthquake I wonder if I would have ever gone to haiti at all.. I am amazed at what God has opened up this past year.. My heart being the biggest thing he has opened up. I can honestly say I have nothing to really say about the earthquake itself.. was it devestating yes, do I pray for Hiati of course... I pray for the people, from what I saw they were almost becoming accustomed to people just giving them things.. They were wanting more and more people to come "help" when really in all true sense I do think that they need to start helping themselves.. It's really the only way they are going to be able to pick themselves up! Do they have our resources of course not but as much as we give I pray with our giving we are teaching them as well...

Also my heart was opened to those kiddos.. I can Honestly say that I miss my little Nephew Marcos.. It's hard because I am also thankful he no longer has to endure what I saw but he is wrapped up in God's arms and how can I ask for more for him.
I had a momnt yesterday were I missed Mahanata.. I know that she is not physically mine or is she mine on paper.. However in my heart I kind of felt like she is. It's weird feeling one I have never felt before but I know that if I were married and of age she would have been adopted in no time for me. I pray that a family adopts her. I know it is going to be difficult having a mentally challenged child but they need loved just as the "normal" ones do.. She showed so much improvement when I was there that if she just got a little attention how much more would she grow almost to realize would she one day be able to talk with full words or go to the bathroom by herself. In Haiti the Menatlly challenged are looked down upon.. that breaks my heart..
I can't say the earthquake rocked my world.. I can say it was God who rocked my world and showed me his presence, showed me just how majestic he is...

God is still God and God is still Good..