Saturday, October 22, 2011

Oh the Changes!

Well with a New job, a new last name, a new home and most importantly a Marriage changes have arised everywhere!

October 15th We said I do! It went by pretty fast but at the same time it was so amazing and truely something I will never ever ever want to forget!! EVER!!
We started off with a Mermorial video one that we didn't think would impact us that much but oh how it did.. We honored those who shaped us who we are but could not be at the wedding. They had passed on early in our lives but yet still hold so much of our hearts.. They will alaways be missed.. I loved the simplicity of it all. From Mason Jars to Desserts We are not crazy show people or huge production people.. I loved looking around and seeing our families together and seeing them catch up with each other.

and Then I came to a new home.. That was insane for me. I have moved in with my husband something I wouldn't of thought in a million years until I met Aaron. He was so sweet we even had a dance in our living room something so special to us that I am glad we saved it just for us! It is definetly intimadting coming into a house that is actually mine. Aaron reminds me off and on that I can not be super wife the next day and I won't be super wife. No one actually is. We are sinners in a sinful world I will fail and yes I know that but marriage also shows me almost more then you want it to!

Then My new job!! two days before I got married I had a job offer come my way and I took it. I now work in a christian store that sells books, music and so much more. I love it already a change yes but hey that seems to be the thing to do right now.

Marriage life is intresting to say the least.. When we have a tiff it has to be settled there because of the whole ya know we have no where else to go this is our home bit! Enough marriage counseling can't prepare you for the little things you tend to find out about yourself or your spouse.. But It's Oh so much Fun!!

I am so excited to be married to my best friend! Thankful so much how God brought us together and yet has so much more in store for us!

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