Thursday, January 13, 2011


It's hard to imagine that yesterday was a year since the earthquake in Haiti... I have to say this year went by rather fast for me... I question that without the earthquake I wonder if I would have ever gone to haiti at all.. I am amazed at what God has opened up this past year.. My heart being the biggest thing he has opened up. I can honestly say I have nothing to really say about the earthquake itself.. was it devestating yes, do I pray for Hiati of course... I pray for the people, from what I saw they were almost becoming accustomed to people just giving them things.. They were wanting more and more people to come "help" when really in all true sense I do think that they need to start helping themselves.. It's really the only way they are going to be able to pick themselves up! Do they have our resources of course not but as much as we give I pray with our giving we are teaching them as well...

Also my heart was opened to those kiddos.. I can Honestly say that I miss my little Nephew Marcos.. It's hard because I am also thankful he no longer has to endure what I saw but he is wrapped up in God's arms and how can I ask for more for him.
I had a momnt yesterday were I missed Mahanata.. I know that she is not physically mine or is she mine on paper.. However in my heart I kind of felt like she is. It's weird feeling one I have never felt before but I know that if I were married and of age she would have been adopted in no time for me. I pray that a family adopts her. I know it is going to be difficult having a mentally challenged child but they need loved just as the "normal" ones do.. She showed so much improvement when I was there that if she just got a little attention how much more would she grow almost to realize would she one day be able to talk with full words or go to the bathroom by herself. In Haiti the Menatlly challenged are looked down upon.. that breaks my heart..
I can't say the earthquake rocked my world.. I can say it was God who rocked my world and showed me his presence, showed me just how majestic he is...

God is still God and God is still Good..

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