Thursday, August 5, 2010

Lets try this again!

I had a blog and then all of the sudden it went somewhere so if two blogs show up saying the exact same thing I am sorry!!

Today was Grocery shopping day! Man if you think you are bad with one cart trying shopping for a whole orphanage! We left with 6 carts from one store and two from another! There was an insane amount of food.. Oh and the best way to irritate a haitian man is to have a white girl help! It was a little weird I was actually bummed.. The grocery stores had everything imported so there is nothing actually made from haiti.. except the rum that is and I don't think it would be the smartest idea coming home with a bottle of rum (although Joe and his Bff Nathan wouldn't mind I am sure) But It was a good day.. They have workers here at the grocery store and they do everything for you from loading your car and making sure your bags are secure to even getting the stuff off the shelves and putting it in the basket for you.. The only stores here that are air conditioned are grocery stores because no one can really afford the units to insatll one...

Its crazy taking a shower under the stars because they don't have the material to make a roof over our pvc and tarp shower.. I love the whole noshaving your legs and armpits rule.. I could totally live here!!

I hope this finds you well, I will start posting pics of kids soon so you have faces to pray for!!

In Christ!


  1. LOL....You are a braver woman than me to give up shaving! Looking forward to see the children's pictures! Hugs and Prayers Michelle

  2. So good to read your updates. i am amazed at how fresh all this experience is to me as I read your updates. Keep praising the Father. He is most definitely MIGHTY TO SAVE. Many prayers continue.
