Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Richie and Chris

Alrighty... We were suppose to be in Haiti today but God had other plans for us!!

We made it to Detroit but the airlines mixed up codes and all that stuff.. so 5 minutes before our plane took off they finally let us go.. However there was the dreaded security that we always have to go through.. yeah we didn't make the flight instead we spent the night in Detroit caught the first flight to Florida (6:30 a.m).. We made it to Florida but flights to haiti is only once a day and that happens to be 8ish in the morning. So tomorrow Morning we will be on our way to haiti Luggage and all and two little medical babies Richie and Chris..

RICHIE: He is 4 years old who had cancer and tumors in his right leg... The leg had to be amputed and he had to get a prostetic.. He is so fully of energy and smiles.. He calls me his girlfriend and has proposed to me 4 times now.. I guess his host family had teenage boys not only does he do the girlfriend thing but every once in a while he will yell JERRY JERRY... Not the greatest influence but still he is full of love. He does a mom to go home to she will be meeting us at the orpahange I just pray that his mom is able to take care of him even with a disability. He is a sweet boy but could use a spanking or two ;)

Chris: He is a very content 9 month old.. He has Hydracphalic (not sure about the spelling on that one) he had to have a stint put in so that his head does not grow any larger but it will always be abnormally large he just has to grow into it! He is sweet sure he cries when he needs feed and changed but with him you can't say "Oh life is just so hard isn't it" I know a lot of us have when babies cry.. for him however I would sarcastically reply "Well yeah I have a 15lb head you start lugging this thing around"

God is already teaching me flexability and early mornings: Hal and Chris are such troopers sure they get frustrated and a little mad but there hearts always seem to be in the right place and they are two very patient people ( I know I know something I can learn from them)

So tomorrow will be the day we will finally make our way to Haiti!!!

Pray for us.. we are tired with only 4 hours of sleep, and we really want to make our flight tomorrow!

In Christ

1 comment:

  1. Isn't it crazy how long it can take to get from Ohio to Haiti. We had lots of trouble getting there too. Be blessed! We're praying! ~ Shanna Gordon
