Thursday, July 15, 2010

Prayers and Praise!

Praise: I was able to get all of my tolietries and first aid essentials for my trip, I am still amazed at the money that has poured in to support. I thank you guys from the bottom of my heart to all those supporting and praying for me. My shots went well, Ann's hand only hurt a little bit afterwards.. I am glad I didn't break any fingers!! Another praise was at the Health department.. people are so afraid sometimes to mention God in daily conversation because they don't want to step on anyone's toes.. One Lady had mentioned how she knew there was a purpose for all of this happening and she kept saying "Bless you from the bottom of my heart" I simply had to just say No God totally has a purpose in this whole thing... and BAM she opened up about church, about what they were doing. She even mentioned that if she were young enough she would be on that plane to go... It was just a good conversation right there in the health department both nurses even took the site to this blog .... More praises.. Since the earthquake happened I have been collecting clothes to send to diffrent orphanages not just to Haiti but to other organizations as well I came into contact with 15 places and nobody wanted anything well today Chris met with me at the church and we went thru all these boxes of clothes and she took about 5 boxes with her! It was fun to see the clothes finally being put to good use and to helpp in that way that we can!

Prayer: I did find out today that I will be house shopping in Haiti(No not for me) but Chris and I believe another organization are getting a house together for girls ages 8-15 who are not eligible to be adopted.. I will be helping with the setting up of this with Chris.. WHOA that was so exciting yet crazy to hear all at the same time! It's just going to be amazing to see God work and I am just praying for these girls.. I don't know where they have been or want to go or even if they know God at all but I pray that they do. If you will just lift them up I am sure I will be updating on how many and their ages and what they are like! I am sure I will have more prayer requests and I get closer to my trip and when i get there!
Thank you again for all who are supporting me!

He is always by my side

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