Monday, August 23, 2010


"How great is the love the father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God.."

Whoa, thats a lot of lovin going on! That was one of my verses the other day.. Just made me think and love the fact that I am child of God, no matter what.. No one can tell me different (well tell me and I believe them) No one can strip that from me.. No matter what.. Do you ever just sit in that fact? Do you ever just love that fact? You are a child of God! I LOVE it!

This week:

It has been a little tough for me lately, not going to lie (which by the way I am horrible at, if you are looking at me straight in the eyes.. you will know if I am lying to you or not) I have been homesick.. trying my hardest to give God that control, trying my hardest to not be in those moments. It hasn't kept me from doing anything or to hang out with the kids less.. mostly just something I am aware of at night. Wanting my familiararities again but wouldn't trade this experience for anything..

I feel like however I have found a peace in some things. I never thought I would be able to say Peace while I am in Haiti before.. I take them as glimpses from God. They have been amazing. Just a couple times have I been able to just sit in God's prescence here, not feeling like I have to do anything or hold anyone. I have to realize sometimes that in the end I am here for him. It's hard because I am here and I always feel I need to go hold a baby, or go play with the toddler, make sure that the older girls have someone to talk to.. when really I can't let that distract me from also having my time with him. It's a blanace I feel I am still needing to find.. not just here though I need to take that balance home with me as well.. I guess I say this all for accountability and prayer..

Today was my first day of teaching.. For the next two weeks I will be taking over the advanced students class. they all know english however are still behind in the whole education system.. I guess I am just saying that to America's standards.. here they are rich if they are even able to go to school.. I have a class of 8, I love them because they are like sponges. We are going over the creation movies from Ken Ham.. They have some good questions and I am praying God give me the words to say to them, I feel pretty grounded in what I believe and I back up with scripture however they are still young minds and I don't want to say something wrong and they hear differently! So I shall give a report by the end of the two weeks to see just how crazy these kids are, or how crazy they made me!

A Funny Note: I love how no matter where I am, no matter what country I am in a toddler will still eat a Pb and J the same way.. One of my favorite things here is watch the kiddos eat.. I know a little creep but i find amusement in it.. The toddlers tear apart the sandwhich lick both sides and continue to stick one hand in the peanut butter side and the other in the jelly and continue to eat.. It's funny because it almost seems in unison.. the 2, 3 yr olds will watch the 4, 5 yr olds to make sure they are doing everything right but still oh so cute to watch!

Done for tonight! Thank you for all who are reading and praying!

In Christ


  1. Prayed off and on all day, so glad to hear the teaching went well. You are setting such am example for our young people .... like my daughter and I thank you for that! The PB & J story was delightful :)

  2. Hey! Just wanted to say that I love you and that I'm praying for you. We're heading home tomorrow, I'll be glad to be home. See you before too long!!
