Thursday, August 5, 2010

Grocery day!!!!

So it has been my second day that I have been here.. I have mixed emotions actually.. It seems so natural to go around and just live in Haiti.

Thursdays are grocery shopping day: If you think you are full with one cart you should try shopping for a whole Orphanage.. we left one store with 6 carts and the other with 2 carts. It was an insane amount of food! However I was kind of bummed They have nothing here that is actually made in Haiti besides the Rum!! I don't think bringing back a bottle of rum would be a good thing (well for my brother and his BFF Nathan it actually would be perfect for them) So it was a little disappointing but it was still fun to get out and see what it was like. The grocery stores are the only thing air conditioned in Haiti because some businesses either do not have electricty or just can't the equipment to have an air conditioner... Here though they have workers even in the grocery stores. These guys walk around and follow us, They help with the carts and even put the food in the baskets for us, they then get tipped for eveything that they do. I did learn however that girls are not suppose to help. They can't load carts or help bring groceries to the cars, they can't even bring it to the house if a guy is around because they feel it is disrespectful that a women is helping them... Yeah I irritated a Haitian today!!

Tomorrow we are going house shopping for the new girls home: This will be the third house Hal and Chris will open up and it is a program really to teach these girls responsibility but of Course that God should be the love of their lives...

I am liking Haiti the more and more I am here.. I already know its going to be hard to leave.. This is a no Shave your legs and armpits country yeah I could get use to that :) I know it's gross but they can't afford it so hey they don't do it!

One thing that has been challenging is It's 91 degrees even when I sleep, they don't have air conditioning so we sweat when we sleep, we sweat when we sit, we even sweat while we are in a shower. But even a cold shower has never felt so good... By the way there is this invention called a headlamp.. Why have I never heard of this before? We don't have a light to our pvc and tarp shower so one of the girls here let me borrow there headlamp it was great to be able to see what I was doing..

Okay done for tonight but I leave you with a video of the girls singing during their devos tonight!

sorry its a little dark!

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